The Anapra Story
Our FUMC relationship began back in 2000 when then Pastor Jim Reed and a group of 30+ young people stepped on to empty land in a town west of Juarez to meet with Antonio and Dina Briones. God wanted them to bring His message and a solid education to some of the poorest families in Mexico. It has become more than a mission trip, developing into an amazing FUMC family relationship with
many of our members going on our mission trips over the years and many more in the future.
Their vision has become more than a reality. Along the way God has brought many blessings as the school has grown from only a foundation for one building to become a campus for 150+ 1st to 6th graders. The school is more than a center for Christian and educational growth. It has helped to develop a pride in the
community and bring family and individual hope to many. The students experience God’s love and understanding of how important a good education is. In an area where few students ever attend high school, Colegio Susana Wesley has seen large numbers of its students go on to college or trade schools,
becoming leaders for tomorrow.
Antonio and Dina Briones have dedicated their lives for their students, teaching them to live by two principals:
(1) Honor Christ in all you do. (2) Excellence in education.
many of our members going on our mission trips over the years and many more in the future.
Their vision has become more than a reality. Along the way God has brought many blessings as the school has grown from only a foundation for one building to become a campus for 150+ 1st to 6th graders. The school is more than a center for Christian and educational growth. It has helped to develop a pride in the
community and bring family and individual hope to many. The students experience God’s love and understanding of how important a good education is. In an area where few students ever attend high school, Colegio Susana Wesley has seen large numbers of its students go on to college or trade schools,
becoming leaders for tomorrow.
Antonio and Dina Briones have dedicated their lives for their students, teaching them to live by two principals:
(1) Honor Christ in all you do. (2) Excellence in education.

The Briones Family at a recent visit to FUMC Manhattan.