Who We Are

OUR MISSION: To connect moms right where they are, through learning, growing, and serving together.

Learning how to be better equipped as a parent through speakers and group discussion on current topics that are meaningful to moms of today.

Growing through a supportive network of moms; growing through friendships; and growing in faith, as a result of being involved in the program.

Serving in the community through missions projects that are meaningful and impactful, while being realistic about each woman’s very busy plate.

When We Meet

We meet on the Second and FourthThursdays of each month
at 6:30pm in the Church Library.

Building Better Moms (BBM) strives to build a community of moms who learn, grow and serve together. BBM members meet together in a larger group setting, but are connected with a small group of moms with whom they share a table throughout the year. Groups are based on child age and desired meeting time.  Our FUMC group is taking registrations for the 2021-2022 year.  Please download your registration form by clicking here and returning it to Courtney children@fumcmanhattan.com.

Please follow us on Social Media for the most up to date announcements.